Simple yet flexible JavaScript charting for designers & developers. Made by our friends from\n Chartist.js. Please check\n the full\n documentation.
\nLine Chart
\n \nLine Chart with Points
\n \nBar Chart
\n \nMultiple Bars Chart
\n \nLast Campaign Performance
\n \n \n24 Hours performance
\n \n\n \nAuthor(s): {{ }}
\nTags: {{ item.details.doc.tags.replace(/;/g,'; ') }}
\nLanguage: {{ store.iso6391[item.details.lang.replace('__label__','')] }} - {{ (item.details.prob * 100).toFixed(1) }}%
\nWord Count: {{ item.details.count }}
\nDistinct Words: {{ item.details.distinct_count }}
\n{{ item.details.text }}
\n{{ item.details.clean_text }}
\n\n {{ d[0] }} - {{ d[2].toFixed(1) }}%\n
\n50.0}).slice(0,10)\">\n {{ d[0] }} - {{ d[1].toFixed(1) }}%\n
\n50.0}).length\">\n NO MATCHES\n
\n50.0}).slice(0,10)\">\n {{ d[0] }} - {{ d[1].toFixed(1) }}%\n
\n50.0}).length\">\n NO MATCHES\n
\n50.0}).slice(0,10)\">\n {{ d[0] }} - {{ d[1].toFixed(1) }}%\n
\n50.0}).length\">\n NO MATCHES\n
\nPositive: {{ (item.details.positive * 100).toFixed(1) }}%
\nNeutral: {{ (item.details.neutral * 100).toFixed(1) }}%
\nNegative: {{ (item.details.negative * 100).toFixed(1) }}%
\nContextual Brand Safe Results: Brand Safe - {{ (item.details.text * 100).toFixed(1) }}%
\nImage Brand Safe Results: Brand Safe - {{ (item.details.image * 100).toFixed(1) }}%
\nb[1] - a[1] )\">\n {{ store.idMundialSegmentDict[ detail[0] ].replace(/:/g,'/') }} {{ item.details.show_percent ? `: ${ (detail[1] * 100).toFixed(1) }%` : '' }}\n
\n\n \nb[1] - a[1] )\">\n {{ detail[0] }} {{ item.details.show_percent ? `: ${ (detail[1] * 100).toFixed(1) }%` : '' }}\n
\n\n \nHere is a subtitle for this table
\nHere is a subtitle for this table
\nShowing {{from + 1}} to {{to}} of {{total}} entries
\nBackend development
\n \nNew employees on 15th September, 2016
\n\n Wifey made the best Father's Day meal ever. So thankful so happy so blessed. Thank you for making my\n family\n We just had fun with the “future” theme !!! It was a fun night all together ... The always rude Kanye Show\n at 2am Sold Out Famous viewing @ Figueroa and 12th in downtown.
\n\n\n Thank God for the support of my wife and real friends. I also wanted to point out that it’s the first\n album\n to go number 1 off of streaming!!! I love you Ellen and also my number one design rule of anything I do\n from\n shoes to music to homes is that Kim has to like it....
\n\n Called I Miss the Old Kanye That’s all it was Kanye And I love you like Kanye loves Kanye Famous viewing\n @\n Figueroa and 12th in downtown LA 11:10PM
\n\n What if Kanye made a song about Kanye Royère doesn't make a Polar bear bed but the Polar bear couch is\n my\n favorite piece of furniture we own It wasn’t any Kanyes Set on his goals Kanye
\n\n The networking at Web Summit is like no other European tech conference.\n
\n \nDefault
\nWith Icons
\n\n We combine Element-UI\n table functionalities together with a custom pagination component\n which should provide a very good starting point to integrate tables in your application.\n Check out more functionalities at Element-UI table documentation.\n
\nShowing {{from + 1}} to {{to}} of {{total}} entries